
Jump master (Madrich Tzniha)

As the name suggests Madrich Tzniha delivers parachute jumps courses for Paratrooper units of the Israeli Defense Force. The jump masters’ responsibilities also include combat equipment landing operations and delivering courses on high-altitude parachute jumps.

→The training is one year long which includes 4 months of basic military training and 2 weeks training for combat jumps, followed by half a year’s instructor training course, comprising parachute jumps from various airborne vehicles and different altitudes. The training lasts for one year and includes 4 months of basic military combat training followed by 2 weeks of training of combat jump techniques. After that, soldiers are provided with half a year’s instructor course consisting of parachute jumps from various airborne vehicles and different altitudes.

→In order to attain the position of jump master, one is to pass selection to the paratrooper’s unit (Gibbush) and to select a jump master course in the questionnaire. It is also necessary to express your wish to attend the jump master’s course during a personal interview. The procedure is completed by additional checks at the Army school of paratroopers.

Instructors sign an additional year’s contract of military service.

Medical profile 82-97
High psychometric score (Kaba)

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